What is the
It is an experimental action to create gradual approach models
that foster the progressive participation of agricultural
organisations within the new framework proposed by EMAS.
It also aims at showing the agricultural sector that an optimum
environmental management may be the synonym of cost saving
and improvement in market competitiveness. In addition, it
can reinforce food safety aspects.
here to see the advertising material of the project.
Why does the project arise?
· On a community level and above all
in the countries of the cohesion fund, the agricultural sector
is small and in 99% of the cases it would be the equivalent
to a micro-company.
· On the other hand, the continuous transformation
and regulation of the sector is demanding a continuous adaptation
on the market with oscillating prices, not sufficiently protected
by the guarantee prices established for those products in
certain C.M.O, within the framework of the CAP or with the
presence of limitations derived from the production quotas,
which, in the owners of small agricultural farms, cause feelings
of offence and lack of receptiveness to the community
policies and to voluntary approaches such as EMAS..
· However, it is a sector with a high sigificant
impact on the environment.
· And a sector where it is difficult to introduce
innovating elements (Due to reasons of situation,
tradition, etc.)
In addition, there are other problems to
be considered:
· Identification by small farms of
the "environmental improvement" concept as an additional
· Regulatory framework with excessive legal
regulations, which makes it difficult to accept voluntary
environmental improvement approaches.
· · Knowledge of the international standard
ISO by the sector, lack of knowledge of EMAS.
· Significant degree of association insufficiently
exploited to introduce innovative formulas that generate
specialised employment in the environment area.
· Lack of knowledge of the figure of "environmental
auditor" as a professional profile, as well
as his functions, as included in the EMAS regulations.. |